An Open Letter to Fearless Entrepreneurs

I remember the day vividly.

After coming back from school, I was surprised to see my father home early, instead of at work. I remember sitting down on a set of stairs and listening to how he had been let go from his senior position at an electrical contracting firm and was planning his next move. He also shared words that still resonate with me: “Just because you fail at something doesn’t mean that you’re a failure.” Through his response, he embodied how to use adversity as a stepping stone to something greater.

So, what was his next move? He recruited a partner and they started their own company. While sitting back to back in a one-room office, and tapping into the goodwill they had built up over years in the electrical contracting business, they built a strong company that continues to thrive two decades later.

The Succession Gap

Fast-forward to today, and there are countless entrepreneurs leading great businesses, just like my father. Over several years and decades, these companies have been:

  • Supporting and servicing customers

  • Recruiting and developing great people

  • Working with valued partners and suppliers

  • Positively impacting their local communities

For many of these committed and successful owners, they want to see their businesses continue to thrive, while also thinking about reducing their involvement in day-to-day operations. While some of these businesses have a thoughtful succession plan in place, many have not had the opportunity to formulate one. Even companies with existing succession plans may not have mapped out how customers, employees, partners, and communities will continue to receive best-in-class support following the transition.  

Building and Cementing Your Legacy

What if there was an option to see your business continue to thrive, while also allowing you to reduce your day-to-day involvement? What if you had a partner that was committed to the success of your business, its people, and its customers? I’m here to tell you that this is all possible.

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in discussing this type of transition, I would love to talk to you about your personal goals and your business.

I am looking to partner with a business owner in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to build on the legacy that they created. Working together, I am confident that we can help your business and its people reach new heights. I am prepared to dedicate myself to the success of the company, its customers, its employees, its partners, and its local community.

About Me

While I look forward to getting to know you, here is some quick background information about me. Prior to founding The Legacy Group, I worked in an entrepreneurial B2B technology firm, where I enjoyed solving the diverse challenges of a quickly growing, mid-market company. While working full-time, I also obtained my MBA from the University of Illinois. In a former life, I spent 3 years as a professional golfer, working tirelessly and chasing the dream of being one of the greatest golfers in the world. I completed my undergraduate studies at Texas Christian University, while graduating with degrees in Finance and Marketing and competing on the golf team.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. And if you know anyone interested in partnering with a young operator and keen on building on their legacy, let’s have a conversation.

All my best,
